Is there a reason why comments are being deleted here? I was requesting a conversation around involvement with this exciting agenda but it seems to have disappeared...

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023Author

Hi Giuseppe, Your comment was posted on a post on Perspectiva's substack - it's still there. Perhaps we can begin a conversation via email? you can reach me at michael *at* perspectiva.co.uk

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Any intention of getting back to us?

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I’ve emailed you twice now with no response, is it going into your spam by mistake? The address is contact@ odysseaninstitute .org

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Welcome to Substack! I felt a lot of resonance reading your story, which is very timely as I am about to rewind and share some more of mine, from teenage radicalism to spiritual misadventure. It seems there are many avenues now open to those who are trying to peek above the canopy but I think it's important to really step back—as you urge—as so many of the "ways beyond" (contemporary spirituality, self-help, some activism) are often dancing to the same incoherent tune, a story that no longer makes any sense. I am also a fan of John Vervaeke and particularly the idea of needing to understand the deep grammar of our predicament, rather than screaming out quick fixes. Look forward to more from you and Perspectiva!

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🙏 appreciate the comment Dan! Yes I agree. Definitely a time for deep inquiry. Your comment makes me think about that well known sentiment (I can’t remember who first said it) that it’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism - showing just how rigid our collective structures of consciousness are.

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